Do the two recipes describe the same shape

Do what two recipes? You'll have to be more specific.

Draw a quadrilateral that fits this description

To determine if two recipes describe the same shape, you would need to compare the ingredients and instructions from both recipes. Follow these steps:

1. Obtain both recipes for the shape you are interested in comparing.
2. Read through the ingredient lists of both recipes. Check if they contain the same ingredients or similar substitutes. If the ingredients are identical, it suggests that the recipes describe the same shape.
3. Review the instructions or steps in each recipe. Pay attention to any differences or similarities in the process of shaping the item. Look for any distinct techniques or variations that might indicate a difference in the resulting shape.
4. If the ingredients and instructions are mostly similar or identical, it is likely that the two recipes describe the same shape. However, if there are significant differences in either the ingredients or the shaping process, it may suggest that the recipes describe different variations or types of shapes.

By comparing the ingredients and instructions in each recipe, you should be able to determine whether they describe the same shape or not.