Apparently i got this wrong, but my teacher is giving me a chance to redo.

The question was to put these numbers in decreasing order.

_/13, pi, 1.3, -0.7, -8/5 (and i put them in this order)

She gave me a 0/2 and said think about how you would place them on a number line.

Any help would be great

-8/5 = -1 3/5

I will assume the _/13 is √13 , which would be the largest, so

√13, π, 1.3, -.7, -8/5
are indeed in the correct descending order.

If that is how you had it, and you did not have a typo, ask your teacher to reconsider.

Yes I believe decreasing order is largest to smallest is it not?

Im assuming she mustve wanted it increasing order, based off the fact she said think of a number line

Yes, decreasing is from largest to smallest

So to make her happy, just turn them around.

To put the numbers in decreasing order, you need to arrange them from the largest to the smallest value. To do this, let's consider how to place these numbers on a number line:

- Starting with "pi" (π), which is approximately 3.14159, we can place it on the number line somewhere between 3 and 4.
- Next, consider "1.3". This number is greater than 1 but smaller than 2. So, we can place it between those two values on the number line.
- Then, let's look at "8/5". To compare it with other numbers, let's find its decimal equivalent. 8 divided by 5 equals 1.6. So, we can place it between 1.3 and π (3.14159).
- Moving on to "-0.7", it is a negative number that is smaller than 0. Comparing it to the others, we can place it to the left of "8/5" and "1.3".
- Lastly, for "_/13," please clarify what the symbol "_" represents so that I can provide a more accurate solution.

By arranging the numbers on a number line as described, you should be able to determine the correct order for these values.