We played 24 games. We won 6 more than we lost. How many games did we win?

24÷2=12+6=18÷2=9+6= 15 wins? Am I even close?


x+6 +x=24


x is lost. so yes, you did win 9+6 or 15 games. Correct

Yes, you are close, but your calculation needs to be adjusted. Let's break it down step by step:

First, you correctly divided the total number of games played (24) by 2, since each game has a win and a loss. This gives you 12, which represents the number of wins and the number of losses combined.

Next, you stated that you won 6 more than you lost. To find the number of wins, you need to add 6 to the number of losses. Since we know that the number of wins and losses is equal to 12, we can set up an equation:

Number of losses + 6 = Number of wins

Let's solve this equation to find the number of wins:

12 (number of losses) + 6 (added wins) = Number of wins

12 + 6 = Number of wins

Number of wins = 18

So, you actually won 18 games, not 15.