Wilcorp has 50 employees who work 40 hours a week and earn $20/hour. Fifteen employees each worked 4 hours of overtime at 50% above their hourly rate.

What is your answer? Then we'll correct it.



To calculate the earnings for the 50 employees at Wilcorp, we need to calculate the regular wages and the overtime wages separately.

Regular wages:
Number of employees = 50
Hours worked per week = 40
Hourly rate = $20

Regular wages per employee per week = Hours worked per week * Hourly rate
= 40 * $20
= $800

Total regular wages for all employees = Regular wages per employee per week * Number of employees
= $800 * 50
= $40,000

Overtime wages:
Number of employees working overtime = 15
Hours of overtime per employee = 4
Overtime rate = 50% above the regular hourly rate = $20 * 1.5 = $30

Overtime wages per employee = Hours of overtime per employee * Overtime rate
= 4 * $30
= $120

Total overtime wages for all employees = Overtime wages per employee * Number of employees working overtime
= $120 * 15
= $1,800

Therefore, the total earnings for the 50 employees at Wilcorp is the sum of the regular wages and overtime wages:
Total earnings = Total regular wages + Total overtime wages
= $40,000 + $1,800
= $41,800