[(82 – 4) – 6] ÷ 6 = EXPLAIN please


Study this site, and then tell us what you think the answer is.


I got 9.


I ment 4

How did you get 4?

The first thing you need to do is the parentheses so {(82-4)-4}

Now that the parenthesis are done, divide 72 by 6.
72 divided by 6 is 12.

To evaluate the given expression [(82 – 4) – 6] ÷ 6, follow the order of operations, which is also known as the PEMDAS rule:

1. Parentheses: Calculate the value inside the innermost parentheses.
(82 – 4) = 78

2. Subtraction: Perform any subtraction operations from left to right.
78 – 6 = 72

3. Division: Perform any division operations from left to right.
72 ÷ 6 = 12

Therefore, the result of the expression [(82 – 4) – 6] ÷ 6 is 12.