What is the basic independent unit of the world politics.

A county
B province
C nation
D organization****

Ms. Sue is so rude, she doesn't wanna help anyone.

Whats the answers?

Influential ideas and events quiz, 8th grade

1. C and D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B and C
8. B


Is it province


I think that is correct

she literaly said "no" shes just saying yes bc she doesnt care

pls help

The basic independent unit of world politics is typically considered to be a nation. A nation is a political entity that has its own government, territory, and people who share a common culture, history, and language. Nations are recognized as sovereign entities with the ability to make decisions and engage in international relations.

To determine the correct answer, you can break down the given options and analyze each one:

A. County: A county is a subdivision of a larger administrative region, usually within a country. It does not have the same level of autonomy or political significance as a nation, so this option is not the correct answer.

B. Province: Similar to a county, a province is also a subdivision of a larger administrative region, typically within a country. It lacks the autonomy and international recognition that a nation possesses, so this option is not the correct answer either.

C. Nation: As explained earlier, a nation is an independent political entity with its own government and territory. It is generally considered the basic independent unit of world politics. This is a likely correct answer.

D. Organization: An organization refers to a group of people who come together for a specific purpose. While organizations can have political influence, they do not have the same level of political authority as a nation. Therefore, this is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis above, the most appropriate answer is C: nation.