The transuranium elements

A. are the elements with atomic numbers above 92. ***
B. occur in nature.
C. are sometimes radioactive.
D. all of the above


To determine the correct answer to this question, we can analyze each option.

A. The statement that transuranium elements are the elements with atomic numbers above 92 is correct. Transuranium elements are those that have atomic numbers greater than 92, which means they have more protons in their nuclei than uranium, which has an atomic number of 92.

B. The statement that transuranium elements occur in nature is incorrect. Transuranium elements do not occur naturally on Earth; they are usually synthesized in a laboratory through nuclear reactions.

C. The statement that transuranium elements are sometimes radioactive is correct. Many transuranium elements are inherently unstable and undergo radioactive decay, meaning they emit radiation as they transform into more stable elements over time.

D. Considering the analysis above, we can conclude that option D, "all of the above," is not the correct answer.

Based on the correct statements, the answer to the question is option A. The transuranium elements are the elements with atomic numbers above 92.