you have 8 different flavors of ice cram and 10 diff toppings how many different desserts could you make

If you just go for a single topping for each flavour, then it is simply

8x10 or 80 different desserts.

On the other hand, if you can have no topping, one topping, two toppings, etc for each of the flavours, it becomes an entirely different question.
Did you mean the latter case ?

To calculate the number of different desserts you can make with 8 different flavors of ice cream and 10 different toppings, you can use the concept of combinations.

First, let's consider that you can choose any number of flavors from 0 to 8. This means you can have an ice cream with just one flavor, two flavors, three flavors, and so on, up to all eight flavors.

For each choice of the number of flavors, you can then choose any number of toppings from 0 to 10. This means you can add no toppings, one topping, two toppings, and so on, up to all ten toppings.

To find the total number of combinations, you need to multiply the number of choices for the number of flavors by the number of choices for the number of toppings.

For the number of choices of flavors, you have 9 options (0 to 8). For the number of choices of toppings, you have 11 options (0 to 10).

Therefore, the total number of different desserts you can make is:
9 (number of choices for flavors) multiplied by 11 (number of choices for toppings) = 99

So you can make 99 different desserts using 8 different flavors of ice cream and 10 different toppings.