Plz HELP me !!!!! I need to know a acrostic poem about safety plz help me it is due tomorrow

That's easy -- make an acrostic poem yourself!

S tay safe
A ware of dangers

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your acrostic poem about safety! Here's how you can create one:

1. Start by writing the word "SAFETY" vertically down the left side of the page. Each letter will represent the beginning of a line in your poem.

2. Think of words or phrases related to safety that start with each letter. For example:

- S: Secure your surroundings
- A: Always be cautious
- F: Fire drills and precautions
- E: Extra care, every day
- T: Traffic rules, obey, and stay
- Y: Your safety matters, don't delay

Feel free to improvise and come up with your own ideas that resonate with the concept of safety.

3. Develop each line to create a coherent and meaningful poem. You can elaborate on each phrase or add additional lines to make it flow smoothly.

As a starting point, here's a sample acrostic poem about safety:

Secure your surroundings, no room for distress,
Always be cautious, prevent any mess.
Fire drills and precautions, at their best,
Extra care, every day, keeps danger suppressed.
Traffic rules, obey, and stay safe on the pathway,
Your safety matters, don't delay, protect yourself, always.

Remember, this is just a suggestion. You can personalize it according to your own ideas and preferences. Good luck with your poem, and I hope this explanation helps!