A car moves with 60km/h in first one hour and with 80km/h in next half an hour. Find

1. Total distance travelled by the car.
2. average speed of car in total 1.5 hours.

1. 60+40 km

2. 100km/1.5hr = 100/1.5 km/hr






To find the total distance travelled, we need to calculate the distance covered in the first hour and the distance covered in the next half hour separately, and then add them together.

1. Distance covered in the first hour:
Speed = 60 km/h
Time = 1 hour
Distance = Speed * Time = 60 km/h * 1 hour = 60 km

2. Distance covered in the next half hour:
Speed = 80 km/h
Time = 0.5 hour
Distance = Speed * Time = 80 km/h * 0.5 hour = 40 km

Total distance travelled = Distance in the first hour + Distance in the next half hour = 60 km + 40 km = 100 km

Now, let's calculate the average speed.

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Total Time = 1 hour + 0.5 hour = 1.5 hours

Average Speed = 100 km / 1.5 hours = 66.67 km/h

Therefore, the answers are:
1. The total distance travelled by the car is 100 km.
2. The average speed of the car in total 1.5 hours is 66.67 km/h.