Ness won $2400000 in a state lottery. After paying 39% of her winnings to taxes, she invested some of the money into an account earning 4.8% interest and the rest into an account earning 3.9% interest. If the total interest earned was $65655, how much did she invest into each account?

To solve this problem, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's say Ness invested an amount x into the account earning 4.8% interest and the remaining amount (2400000 - x) into the account earning 3.9% interest.

The interest earned from the account earning 4.8% can be calculated as 0.048x, and the interest earned from the account earning 3.9% can be calculated as 0.039(2400000 - x).

According to the problem, the total interest earned is $65655. So, we can write the equation:

0.048x + 0.039(2400000 - x) = 65655

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

0.048x + 0.039(2400000 - x) = 65655
0.048x + 93600 - 0.039x = 65655
0.009x = 27945
x = 27945 / 0.009
x ≈ $3,105,000

So, Ness invested approximately $3,105,000 into the account earning 4.8% interest. To find out how much she invested into the account earning 3.9% interest, we can subtract this amount from the total winnings:

2400000 - 3105000 ≈ $-705,000

It appears that the result is negative, which implies that there might be an error in the given information or in the calculations. Please recheck the numbers and the equations provided.