Read the following excerpt. Using the context of the paragraph, select the word that best completes the sentence.

We must __________ this place, this sacred and special place, where so many have come to fight and die for our freedom. It is not a sacrifice we should take lightly, or one that we will ever forget.


is it hallow..
pls help me

Yeah its hallow

thx ::))

Yes, the word that best completes the sentence is "hallow". The sentence suggests that the place being discussed is sacred and special, where people have fought and died for freedom. "Hallow" means to make something sacred or to honor it as holy, aligning with the context of the paragraph.

To determine the correct word that completes the sentence, let's analyze the context of the paragraph. The sentence suggests that the place being described is sacred and special, and that many people have fought and died there for the freedom of others. The word that best aligns with these details is "hallow," which means to honor or treat as holy.

So, yes, the correct word to complete the sentence is "hallow."

If you want to verify the answer or learn more about the word, you can use a dictionary or online search by typing "meaning of hallow." This will provide you with the definition and additional information about the word.