I am 10 less than four times my age six years ago how old am I now

Let your age(not mine) be x


Tom is 6 years older than James .in 5 years time their combined ages willbe36. How old are they now?

Frank is 15 years younger the Sam 7 years ago Sam

Age was 2 Times franks how old is frank

To determine your current age based on the information provided, we can break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Determine your age six years ago.
Since the problem states that you are currently ten less than four times your age six years ago, we can represent your age six years ago as x. Therefore, your age at that time would be x.

Step 2: Calculate four times your age six years ago.
To do this, multiply x by 4. So, four times your age six years ago would be 4 * x.

Step 3: Find your current age using the given information.
The problem states that you are 10 less than four times your age six years ago. Mathematically, this can be represented as 4x - 10.

Step 4: Solve for x.
To find your current age, we need to solve the equation 4x - 10 = current age. Rearrange the equation to isolate x:
4x - 10 + 10 = current age + 10
4x = current age + 10
Divide both sides by 4:
x = (current age + 10) / 4

Step 5: Substitute in a value for x to find your current age.
Since we don't know the exact value of x, we won't be able to determine your exact current age. However, if you know the specific value of x, you can substitute it into this equation to find your current age: current age = (x + 10) / 4.