Evaluate the function.

g(n) = -3n^2 + 2; Find g(n+3)


(Use quadratic formula to solve for n)

for the last line, don't you mean -3n^2 and not just 3

Yeah it's -3n^2, sorry about that. :)

To find g(n+3), we need to substitute (n+3) into the equation for g(n). Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start with the original equation for g(n): g(n) = -3n^2 + 2.

Step 2: Substitute (n+3) for n in the equation: g(n+3) = -3(n+3)^2 + 2.

Step 3: Expand and simplify the equation. To expand (n+3)^2, you can use the FOIL method or the formula (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2.

(n+3)^2 = n^2 + 2(3)(n) + 3^2
= n^2 + 6n + 9

Plugging this back into the equation, we get:
g(n+3) = -3(n^2 + 6n + 9) + 2

Step 4: Simplify further by distributing the -3:
g(n+3) = -3n^2 - 18n - 27 + 2

Step 5: Combine like terms:
g(n+3) = -3n^2 - 18n - 25

So, the function g(n+3) is -3n^2 - 18n - 25.