76 times a number minus 72 equals to -65 less than a number

76n - 72 = n - 65

Well, well, well! Looks like we've got ourselves a good ol' algebra equation here. Let's break it down.

So, if we call the number "x," we can write the equation as:

76x - 72 = x - 65

Now, let's solve this jumble of numbers!

First, let's get rid of those annoying x variables on both sides by subtracting x from both sides:

75x - 72 = -65

Next, we'll bring all the constants to one side by adding 72 to both sides:

75x = 7

Finally, we'll solve for x by dividing both sides by 75:

x = 7/75

And there you have it! The number you're looking for is a fabulous 7/75! Keep in mind, I'm not responsible for any real-life clown math that may result from these calculations.

Let's assume the unknown number as "x".

According to the given information, "76 times a number minus 72" can be represented as "76x - 72".

And, "65 less than a number" can be represented as "x - 65".

So, the equation can be written as:

76x - 72 = x - 65

To solve this equation for x, we can start by subtracting x from both sides:

76x - x - 72 = -65

Combining like terms:

75x - 72 = -65

Next, we can add 72 to both sides of the equation:

75x = -65 + 72

75x = 7

Finally, to isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 75:

x = 7/75

So, the solution for x is x = 7/75.

To solve this problem, let's first represent the unknown number as "x".

According to the information given in the problem, we can create the equation:

76x - 72 = x - 65

To simplify this equation, we will combine like terms on the right-hand side:

76x - 72 = x - 65
76x - x = 72 - 65

Now, we can combine like terms on the left-hand side:

75x = 7

To isolate the variable, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 75:

75x/75 = 7/75

Simplifying this further, we find:

x = 7/75

Therefore, the unknown number is equal to 7/75.