solve the equations justify each step with and algebraic property 13=x/4

multiply both sides by 4

If two quantities are equal multiplying them by the same value will retain their equality.


To solve the equation 13 = x/4, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation. Here's the step-by-step solution:

Step 1: We can begin by multiplying both sides of the equation by 4 to eliminate the fraction. This is allowed by the Multiplicative Property of Equality, which states that if we multiply both sides of an equation by the same non-zero number, the equality still holds.

13 * 4 = (x/4) * 4
52 = x

Step 2: After multiplying, we get 52 = x. Now, the variable x is isolated on one side of the equation.

So the solution to the equation 13 = x/4 is x = 52. We can verify this by substituting the value of x back into the original equation.

x=your mom