mo bisects angle lmn,m angle lmn = 6x-20, m angle lmo= x+32 find m angle nmo but how if i don't know what lmn is

To find the measure of ∠NMO, we need the measure of ∠LMN. However, we can still find the measure of ∠NMO using the information given.

Since line segment MO is the bisector of ∠LMN, it divides ∠LMN into two congruent angles, ∠LMO and ∠NMO. So, we can write:


From the information given, we know that:
∠LMO = x + 32

Since ∠LMO and ∠NMO are congruent, we can equate their measures:

x + 32 = ∠NMO

So, the measure of ∠NMO is x + 32.

However, if you want to find the specific angle measure of ∠NMO, we would need the measure of ∠LMN, which is not provided in the given information.

Apologies for the confusion. To find the measure of angle NMO, we need the measure of angle LMN. However, we can use the fact that angle LMO is congruent to angle LMN (since MO bisects angle LMN).

Ifangle LMO = angle LMN, we have:

m(angle LMO) = m(angle LMN)
x + 32 = 6x - 20

Now we can solve for x:

x - 6x = -20 - 32
-5x = -52
x = -52 / -5
x = 10.4

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into the expression to find the measure of angle LMN:

m(angle LMN) = 6x - 20
= 6(10.4) - 20
= 62.4 - 20
= 42.4

Therefore, the measure of angle NMO is also 42.4 degrees (since it is congruent to LMO/LMN).

well, you said angle LMN = 6x-20

and angle LMO bisects angle LMN and angle LMO = x+32

so (1/2)(6x-20) = x+32
3x-10 = x+32
2x = 42
x = 21

so angle LMN = 6(21) - 20 = 106

then angle LMO = 21+32 = 53 , which is half of 106