My three friends and i ordered 2 pizzas. Each pizza was cut into 8 pieces.Each of us ate 3 pieces.What fractions of a pizza did each of us eat?What fraction of a pizza remained?

To find out what fraction of a pizza each of you ate, you need to divide the number of pieces each person ate by the total number of pieces in a pizza.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of pizza pieces:
2 pizzas x 8 pieces = 16 pieces

Step 2: Calculate the number of pieces each person ate:
Each person ate 3 pieces.

Step 3: Calculate the fraction of a pizza each person ate:
Each person ate 3/16 of a pizza.

Step 4: Calculate the fraction of a pizza that remained:
To find the fraction of a pizza that remained, subtract the sum of what each person ate from the total number of pieces: 16 - (3+3+3+3) = 16 - 12 = 4.

Therefore, each person ate 3/16 of a pizza, and 4/16 of a pizza remained.

To determine what fraction of a pizza each of you ate, we need to calculate the total number of pieces eaten by dividing the number of pieces each person ate by the total number of pieces in a pizza.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of pieces in a pizza
Since each pizza was cut into 8 pieces, there are 8 pieces per pizza.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of pieces eaten by all four of you
Each of you ate 3 pieces, so the total number of pieces eaten is 3 x 4 = 12 pieces.

Step 3: Calculate the fraction of a pizza each person ate
To find the fraction of a pizza each person ate, divide the number of pieces they ate by the total number of pieces in a pizza.
So, each person ate 3/8 of a pizza.

Step 4: Calculate the fraction of a pizza that remained
To find the fraction of a pizza that remained, subtract the fraction of a pizza each of you ate from the total fraction of a pizza (1 whole pizza).
Since there were 4 people, the total fraction of a pizza eaten is 4 x (3/8) = 12/8 = 3/2.
Therefore, the fraction of a pizza that remained is 1 - 3/2 = 1/2.

To summarize:
Each person ate 3/8 of a pizza,
and 1/2 of a pizza remained.

each ate 3/8

so, 5/8 remained

each ate 3/16 leading to a total of 12/16 or 3/4, which means 4/16 or 1/4 remained