parmesan cheese was on sale for $13.60 per pound. wesley bought a piece of the parmesan cheese that weighed 1 1/8 punds. how much did he pay

parmesan cheese was on sale for $13.60 per pound. wesley bought a piece of the parmesan cheese that weighed 1 1/8 punds. how much did he pay

1.125 * 13.60 =15.3

Thank you my teacher gave us this question and I was really confused

To calculate how much Wesley paid for the parmesan cheese, you need to multiply the price per pound by the weight of the cheese he bought.

The price per pound is $13.60, and Wesley bought 1 1/8 pounds.

To convert 1 1/8 pounds to a decimal, you can divide the numerator (9) by the denominator (8). This gives you 9/8, which is equal to 1.125.

Now, you can calculate the total cost by multiplying the price per pound ($13.60) by the weight in pounds (1.125):

$13.60 x 1.125 = $15.30

Therefore, Wesley paid $15.30 for the piece of parmesan cheese.

1.125 * 13.60 = ?