How do you compare whole numbers through the millions?

Change the next 3 numbers

Whole numbers are the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... and so on. It is easier to compare two numbers through the millions using a place value chart.

To compare whole numbers through the millions, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by comparing the leftmost digit (the digit in the millions place). The number with the greater value in this place is larger.

2. If the leftmost digits are equal, move to the next digit to the right (the hundred thousands place). Again, compare the digits in this place. The number with the greater value is larger.

3. Continue comparing digits from left to right until you find a difference. The number with the greater digit at that position is larger. Ignore any digits to the right of the first difference.

4. If you reach the end of both numbers and all the digits are the same, then the numbers are equal.

Let's take an example:

Let's compare the numbers 3,721,486 and 7,541,392.

- Start by comparing the digits in the millions place. The first number has a 3, and the second number has a 7. Since 7 is greater than 3, we know that the second number is larger.

- There is no need to compare any further because we already found a difference in the millions place.

Therefore, 7,541,392 is greater than 3,721,486.

By following these steps, you can compare whole numbers through the millions, or even larger numbers, by comparing the digits from left to right.