2. On my bike, I was able to travel 40 miles in one hour. From this information, we can determine the bike's

A. speed. ***
B. velocity.
C. acceleration.
D. direction.

3. The local news team is tracking the storm and has reported that it is traveling north, northwest at 20 miles per hour. The reporter has told us the storm's
A. acceleration.
B. average speed.
C. velocity***
D. instantaneous speed.

4. If we increase the distance traveled over the same period of time, this will
A. decrease the speed.
B. increase the speed.
C. decrease the velocity.***
D. not affect speed or velocity.

try # 4. again, Vx = dx/dt

x = Xi + Vx t

okay I will, but are the other ones correct though?

Yes they are.

okay and for number 4 I choose A?

4. traveling a greater distance in the same amount of time means you went faster/slower?

2. Speed

4.B or C

2. To determine the bike's speed, we can use the formula: speed = distance / time. In this case, we know that the distance traveled is 40 miles in one hour. By substituting these values into the formula, we get: speed = 40 miles / 1 hour = 40 miles per hour. Therefore, the answer is A. speed.

3. The reporter has provided us with both the direction (northwest) and the speed (20 miles per hour) of the storm. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude and direction. Since the reporter has shared both the direction and the speed, the storm's velocity can be determined. Thus, the answer is C. velocity.

4. Speed is calculated as distance divided by time, while velocity takes into account both the magnitude and direction of motion. If we increase the distance traveled over the same period of time, it means the magnitude of movement has increased without affecting the time taken. Since velocity considers both magnitude and direction, increasing the distance while keeping the time constant will result in a change in direction. This means that the velocity will decrease. Therefore, the correct answer is C. decrease the velocity.