The quotient of 2 numbers is 2.The product is 8.what are the numbers?

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what is 4 and 2?

The product of two numbers is 2, and their quotient is 2. What are the two numbers?

To find the numbers, we can use a system of equations.

Let's assume the two numbers are x and y.

Given that the quotient of the two numbers is 2, we can say:

x/y = 2 (Equation 1)

And given that the product of the two numbers is 8, we can say:

x * y = 8 (Equation 2)

Now, we can solve these equations simultaneously to find the values of x and y.

From Equation 1, we can rearrange it as:

x = 2y

Substituting this value of x in Equation 2, we get:

(2y) * y = 8


2y^2 = 8

Dividing both sides by 2:

y^2 = 4

Taking the square root of both sides:

y = ±2

Now, we have the possible values of y.

Substituting y = 2 in Equation 1:

x = 2y = 2(2) = 4

So, one possible set of values for the two numbers is x = 4 and y = 2.

Similarly, substituting y = -2 in Equation 1:

x = 2y = 2(-2) = -4

Therefore, another possible set of values for the two numbers is x = -4 and y = -2.

In summary, the two numbers can be either (4, 2) or (-4, -2).

the two numbers are 4 and 2

Let,the number be x and other is y

➡x)y(2 ✔
➡y/x=2 ✅
➡y/y x×x=4✅
➡x=2 and y=4✅