Why did Thomas Paine write pamphlet 1. To support conquering the Native Americans***this one? 2. To argue that more land should go to France and Spain 3. To show that loyalty to the monarchy was wrong 4. To pledge his loyalty to the British government i'm not sure but I think so

the answers are CBD (in that order

Which pamphlet? Mr. Paine wrote a good many of them, but none (to my knowledge)about conquering Native Americans.

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Thank you so much dis boi 100%

To determine the correct answer, we can examine the content of Thomas Paine's famous pamphlet titled "Common Sense" and its historical context. "Common Sense" was published in 1776 during the American Revolutionary War. Its main purpose was not to support conquering the Native Americans (option 1), as the pamphlet focused primarily on advocating for American independence.

Similarly, the pamphlet did not argue for more land to go to France and Spain (option 2), but rather argued for self-governance and the independence of the American colonies from Great Britain. Paine criticized the British monarchy and the idea of hereditary rule, making him an advocate for republican government.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: "To show that loyalty to the monarchy was wrong." Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense" to challenge the idea of monarchial rule and promote the idea of self-governance and independence for the American colonies.