How do u simplify ab to the 3rd power over b to the 2nd power

ever try using math symbols?

(ab)^3 / b^2 = a^3b

ab^3 / b^2 = ab


b^3/b^2 = b*b*b / b*b

and so two of the b's cancel out


im jokin no idea :/

To simplify the expression (ab^3)/(b^2), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the coefficients.
Since there is only one coefficient (1) in the expression, divide 1 by 1, which equals 1.

Step 2: Subtract the exponents.
Subtract the exponent of b in the denominator from the exponent of b in the numerator.
b^3 - b^2 = b^(3-2) = b^1 = b

Step 3: Combine the coefficient and the variable.
The simplified expression is 1b, which is typically written as just b.

Therefore, (ab^3)/(b^2) simplifies to b.