which of the following is not a characteristic of life

A. maintains homeostasis
B. composed of cells
C. composed of atoms
D. carries out metabolism

which of the following must be true to consider something to be alive?
A. it must be able to replicate it's DNA
B. it must be able to respond to light
C. it must be able to convert energy from one form to another
D. it must be able to move

which of the following represents a correct sequence of levels within the hierarchy of life?
A. community, population, biosphere
B. cell, population, organism
C. cell, organism, tissue
D. cell, organism, organ system

my answers for 1 23 are C, A, B are these answers correct please help

Disagree with 3.

what about the rest

IS number 3 D

1 and 2 fine. Still disagree with 3.

3 is D

For the first question, "which of the following is not a characteristic of life," your answer C is correct. "Composed of atoms" is not considered a characteristic of life because all living things are indeed composed of atoms.

For the second question, "which of the following must be true to consider something to be alive," your answers are incorrect. The correct answer is A, "it must be able to replicate its DNA." Reproduction is a critical characteristic of life. While the ability to respond to light (B) and convert energy (C) are important functions, they are not exclusive to living organisms. Not all living organisms can move (D), so it is not a universal condition for life.

Lastly, for the question about the correct sequence of levels within the hierarchy of life, the correct answer is D, "cell, organism, organ system." The correct sequence of hierarchical levels starts from the smallest unit of life, which is the cell, then progresses to the organism (composed of multiple cells), and finally, to the organ system (group of organs working together).