What value of x will make the equation below true?


B = 3

5 x 3 = 15 +15 =30


Step 1: 2x-6=3x-6-x (how i got -6? 1-7 =-6)
step 2: 2x-6=2x-6 (how i got 2x? 3x-x=2x; there's an imaginary 1 in front of x)
step 3: Take ONLY the 6 on the left side of the equation, and add it to the 6 on the right side of the equation. So it will look like this,
2x-6+6=2x-6+6, therefore you'll get 2x=2x+0
step 2: Take the 2x on the right side of the equation and subtract it from the 2 in the left side of the equation. You'll get x=0 as your final answer. So your answer is 0.

To check if 0 is the right answer. Plug in zero in every occurrence of x. So, 2(0)-6=3(0)+1-0-7. The left side of the equation will give u 0 and the right side of the equation will give you 0.

5b+15=30 we are a hard time with this

To find the value of x that will make the equation true, we need to solve for x. Let's go step by step:

Step 1: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation.
On the left side, we have 2x and -x. Combining them gives us x.
On the right side, we have 3x, 1, and -7. Combining them gives us 3x + 1 - 7 = 3x - 6.

Now our equation is simplified:
x - 6 = 3x - 6

Step 2: Let's isolate the variable x on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting x from both sides of the equation:
x - x - 6 = 3x - x - 6
This simplifies to:
-6 = 2x - 6

Step 3: Let's isolate the term with x. To do this, we can add 6 to both sides of the equation:
-6 + 6 = 2x - 6 + 6
This simplifies to:
0 = 2x

Step 4: Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:
0/2 = 2x/2
This simplifies to:
0 = x

Therefore, the value of x that will make the equation true is x = 0.