what belief is the principle of popular sovereignty based upon?

A. government must be run by officials who are appointed to office by their predecessors
B. government gets its power from the people and can exist only with their consent
C. people have authority to declare only federal or state law unconstitutional by voting on it
D. people do not have to obey only laws with which they disagree

my answer is C can you please check thank you

The answers are:

1) The monarch used it to control colonial wealth and power.
2) One that is accepted by its people and other governments as the sovereign authority of a nation.
3) The government gets its power from the people and can exist only with their consent.
4) Royal colonies had governors appointed by the king, proprietary colonies were organized by a person who was granted land, and charter colonies were led by governors elected by male property owners.
5) Charter colonies, due to their freedom of self-government, might not have rebelled without the anger and resentment against the crown of the royal colonies.

I got a 5/5 with these answers :)

I think its actually B

B is correct.


B is the correct answer

B. government gets its power from the people and can exist only with their consent

yea its B

The principle of popular sovereignty is based on the belief that government gets its power from the people and can exist only with their consent. This means that the authority and legitimacy of a government come from the consent of the governed. So, your answer of B is correct.

To arrive at this answer, you can understand the principle of popular sovereignty by breaking down the term itself. "Popular" refers to the people, and "sovereignty" means supreme power or authority. So, when we talk about popular sovereignty, it means that the ultimate power lies with the people.

In this context, A is incorrect because it suggests that government officials are appointed by their predecessors, which may not align with the principle of popular sovereignty. B aligns with the concept of government deriving its power from the people and needing their consent. C is incorrect because it limits the people's authority only to declaring federal or state law unconstitutional, while popular sovereignty implies broader control over government decisions. D is also incorrect because popular sovereignty does not imply that people can disregard laws they disagree with; instead, it emphasizes that the people have the power to elect representatives and participate in the decision-making process.