Doing which of the following generally increases the entropy of a substance?

A. freezing it
B. dissolving it in water
C. condensing it
D. all of the above

My answer: D, all of the above.

Entropy is the randomness of the molecules.

Freezing no
Condensing goes from a gas to a liquid.

Gas is the most entropy of all 3 states of matter.

Looks like it could be B.

Your answer is correct. All of the above choices generally increase the entropy of a substance.

Your answer is correct. All of the given options, A, B, and C, generally increase the entropy of a substance.

Entropy is a measure of the randomness or disorder in a system. As a general rule, processes that lead to an increase in randomness or dispersal of energy typically result in an increase in entropy.

Freezing a substance increases its entropy because the particles become locked into a more ordered arrangement with less freedom of movement. The solid state is usually more ordered and less random than the liquid or gaseous states.

Dissolving a substance in water also increases its entropy. When a solute is dissolved, its particles become dispersed throughout the solvent, resulting in greater randomness and disorder.

Condensing a substance, such as a gas, into a liquid or solid state increases entropy. This is because the particles become more tightly packed and more ordered in their arrangement in the condensed state, resulting in a decrease in randomness.

Therefore, all of the given options, freezing, dissolving in water, and condensing, generally result in an increase in entropy of a substance.