Use the data below to draw a velocity-time graph. (5)

NB: Consider Acceleration, constant speed, deceleration of the object.
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Velocity 15 17 19 21 21 21 31 41 51 50 49 48 47 46 45

To draw a velocity-time graph using the given data, we first need to plot the points on a graph. The time will be plotted on the x-axis, and the velocity will be plotted on the y-axis.

Here are the steps to draw the velocity-time graph:

1. Draw the x-axis (time) and label it from 0 to 14 (matching the given time values).
2. Draw the y-axis (velocity) and label it with appropriate increments based on the given velocity values.
3. Plot the points on the graph. For example, for time = 0, the velocity is 15. So, you will plot a point at (0, 15). Similarly, for time = 1, the velocity is 17, so you will plot a point at (1, 17). Repeat this step for all the given data points.
4. Connect the plotted points with a line or curve.

Here is a description of how to plot each point:

- Plot (0, 15) as the starting point.
- At time = 1, the velocity is 17, so plot (1, 17) as the next point.
- At time = 2, the velocity is 19, so plot (2, 19).
- At time = 3, the velocity is 21. Plot (3, 21).
- At time = 4, the velocity is 21. Plot (4, 21).
- At time = 5, the velocity is 21. Plot (5, 21).
- At time = 6, the velocity is 31. Plot (6, 31).
- At time = 7, the velocity is 41. Plot (7, 41).
- At time = 8, the velocity is 51. Plot (8, 51).
- At time = 9, the velocity is 50. Plot (9, 50).
- At time = 10, the velocity is 49. Plot (10, 49).
- At time = 11, the velocity is 48. Plot (11, 48).
- At time = 12, the velocity is 47. Plot (12, 47).
- At time = 13, the velocity is 46. Plot (13, 46).
- At time = 14, the velocity is 45. Plot (14, 45).

Once you have plotted all the points, connect them with a line or curve. Make sure the line/curve represents any acceleration, constant speed, and deceleration patterns observed in the data.