Player B longest home run distance is 500 feet there are 5280 feet in one mile how many home runs will player B need to hit at his longest distance for the total to be greater than 1 mile


500x > 5280
x > 5280/500

awnser pleas

To find out how many home runs Player B needs to hit at his longest distance for the total to be greater than 1 mile, we can divide the distance of 1 mile (5280 feet) by the distance of his longest home run (500 feet) and round up the result.

Ceiling[(1 mile) / (longest home run distance)] = Number of home runs needed

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Divide the distance of 1 mile by the distance of Player B's longest home run:
5280 feet / 500 feet = 10.56

2. Round up the result to the nearest whole number to account for the extra distance:
Ceiling(10.56) = 11

Therefore, Player B would need to hit at least 11 home runs at his longest distance for the total distance covered to be greater than 1 mile.