What factors contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire? Select all that apply.

(2 points)Internal strife and political instability weakened the empire.
Invasions from neighboring tribes put strain on the empire's resources and borders.
Economic issues, such as high taxes and declining agricultural production, influenced the empire's downfall.
Corruption within the government and military contributed to the empire's decline.

To determine the factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire, we need to examine the available historical evidence. Here are the factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire:

1. Internal strife and political instability weakened the empire: In the late stages of the empire, there were frequent power struggles, civil wars, and political instability. This weakened the central government's ability to effectively govern and maintain control over the vast territory.

2. Invasions from neighboring tribes put strain on the empire's resources and borders: Throughout the later period of the Roman Empire, various barbarian tribes, such as the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, and Huns, began to invade Roman territories. These invasions caused significant strain on the empire's resources and borders, leading to military conflicts and territorial loss.

3. Economic issues, such as high taxes and declining agricultural production, influenced the empire's downfall: The Roman Empire faced economic challenges, including high taxes to sustain its military campaigns and inefficient tax collection. Additionally, agricultural production began to decline due to factors such as soil erosion, depopulation, and slave labor revolts. These economic issues impacted the empire's financial stability and ability to maintain its vast infrastructure.

4. Corruption within the government and military contributed to the empire's decline: Corruption became widespread within the Roman government and military, leading to inefficiency, bribery, and nepotism. This undermined the trust in the leadership and weakened the empire's ability to govern effectively.

In conclusion, the factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire include internal strife and political instability, invasions from neighboring tribes, economic issues, and corruption within the government and military.

All of the factors you mentioned contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire.