Saleems salary is rs 12000.he gave 1/12 th of his salary as alms.half of the remaining for house expenditure and 2/5th of remainig as debt that was due upon him.what is the remaining salary with him?



To find out the remaining salary with Saleem, we need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the amount Saleem gave as alms: Saleem gave 1/12th of his salary as alms. So, 1/12 * 12000 = 1000 RS.

2. Calculate the remaining salary after giving alms: Subtract the amount given as alms from the total salary. 12000 - 1000 = 11000 RS.

3. Calculate the amount used for house expenditure: Saleem used half of the remaining salary for house expenditure. So, 1/2 * 11000 = 5500 RS.

4. Calculate the remaining salary after expenditure: Subtract the amount used for house expenditure from the remaining salary. 11000 - 5500 = 5500 RS.

5. Calculate the amount used for debt: Saleem used 2/5th of the remaining salary for debt. So, 2/5 * 5500 = 2200 RS.

6. Calculate the final remaining salary: Subtract the amount used for debt from the remaining salary. 5500 - 2200 = 3300 RS.

Therefore, the remaining salary with Saleem is 3300 RS.

1 - 1/12 = 11/12

1/2 * 11/12 = 11/24
3/5 * 11/24 = 11/40

11/40 * 12000 = ?