how are cohesion and adhesion properties of water linked to photosynthesis?

Cohesion and adhesion are two important properties of water that play a significant role in photosynthesis. Let me explain how they are linked.

Cohesion refers to the attractive forces between water molecules, which allow them to stick together. This property is due to hydrogen bonding, where the positive end of one water molecule attracts the negative end of another. Cohesion results in the formation of water droplets and the upward movement of water in plants through the xylem vessels.

Adhesion, on the other hand, refers to the attraction between water molecules and other substances. It allows water to stick to surfaces, such as the walls of plant cells, through hydrogen bonding. Adhesion helps the water to rise in the narrow tubes of plants against the force of gravity, a process known as capillary action.

Both cohesion and adhesion work together to transport water and dissolved nutrients throughout the plant. In photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. Water is essential for this process as it serves as the source of electrons in the light-dependent reactions, and it also provides structural support to the plant cells.

During photosynthesis, cohesion and adhesion facilitate the movement of water from the roots to the leaves. Water molecules evaporate from the leaves through small openings called stomata. This creates a negative pressure, known as transpiration pull, which pulls more water molecules from below. The cohesive forces between water molecules enable the continuous flow of water from the roots to the leaves, ensuring a constant supply of water for photosynthesis.

Additionally, adhesion allows water to adhere to the inner surfaces of the plant cells, ensuring the water does not separate from the cell walls. This enables efficient transport and distribution of water and dissolved nutrients to various parts of the plant, supporting the process of photosynthesis.

In summary, cohesion and adhesion properties of water are linked to photosynthesis by facilitating the movement of water from the roots to the leaves, providing a constant supply of water and nutrients for the process.