hi damon the answer you gave me 28 how do i round it to three decimals places

I did NOT say 28

I said 28 divided by the sum

.....and you mean statistics :)

To round a number to three decimal places, follow these steps:

1. Locate the third decimal place. In your case, the number is 28, with no decimal places.
2. Identify the digit immediately after the third decimal place, as this will determine whether you round up or down. In this case, there is no digit after the third decimal place since it is a whole number.
3. If the digit after the third decimal place is 5 or greater, round up. If the digit is less than 5, round down.
4. Since there are no decimal places after 28, there is nothing to round. Therefore, the rounded value of 28 remains 28.

In summary, when rounding a whole number like 28 to three decimal places, the value does not change.