How many grams of Nitrogen contains same number of neutrons as 6grams of 12C?

6 g 12C = how many mols? That's

6g/12 = 0.5 mols C. 0.5 x 6 = 3 mols neutrons. 3 x 6.02E23 = 18.1E23 neutrons.

Now to 14N which really is 14N2.
18.1E23 neurons/6.02E23 = 3 mols neutrons. N2 contains 7 p + 7 n = 14 total for N or 14 n for N2.
3 mols neutrons x 1 mol N2/14 neutrons) = 3/7 mol N2.
1 mol N2 = 28 g. How many grams in 3/7 mol N2?