Growing up,you lived in a village. When you left for college, the population was 840. You recently heard that the population has grown by 5%. What is the percent population?

not sure exactly what your asking

If you are looking for the total population, multiply 840 by 1.05

If you are looking for the number of new people, multiply 840 by .05


To find the new population after a 5% increase, you need to calculate 5% of the initial population and add it to the initial population.

First, calculate 5% of 840:
(5/100) * 840 = 42

Next, add this value to the initial population:
840 + 42 = 882

So, the new population is 882.

To calculate the percent change in population, you can use the formula:

Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

In this case, the old value is 840, and the new value is 882:

Percent Change = ((882 - 840) / 840) * 100
Percent Change = (42 / 840) * 100
Percent Change = 0.05 * 100
Percent Change = 5

Therefore, the population has grown by 5%.