A cyclist moving on a corcular track of radius 40m completes half a revolution in 40 sec. Its average velocity is nearly

angular velocity: 2π/40 = π/20 rad/s

speed: 40πm/40s = π m/s
velocity: -80m/40s = -2 m/s in the direction from start to finish.

To find the average velocity of the cyclist, we need to first calculate the distance covered.

The distance covered by the cyclist in half a revolution of a circular track can be calculated using the formula:

Distance = Circumference of the track * Number of revolutions

Since the cyclist completes half a revolution, the number of revolutions is 1/2, and the circumference of the circular track can be calculated using the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * radius

Given that the radius of the circular track is 40m, we can substitute the values into the formulas:

Circumference = 2 * π * 40m = 80π m

Now, we can calculate the distance covered by the cyclist:

Distance = 80π m * 1/2 = 40π m

Next, we can calculate the average velocity using the formula:

Average Velocity = Distance / Time

Given that the time taken to complete half a revolution is 40 seconds, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Average Velocity = 40π m / 40 sec = π m/sec

Therefore, the average velocity of the cyclist is approximately π m/sec, which is roughly 3.14 m/sec (taking π ≈ 3.14).

So, the average velocity of the cyclist is nearly 3.14 m/sec.