What are the two prime numbers that if added together equals 99?

Here's a chart of the prime numbers.


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To find the two prime numbers that add up to 99, we can use a brute-force method by checking each prime number and its complement until we find a pair that adds up to 99.

Step 1: Generate the list of prime numbers less than or equal to 99. You can find a list of prime numbers online or generate them programmatically.

Step 2: Start iterating through the list of prime numbers from the beginning.

Step 3: For each prime number, check if the complement (99 - prime number) is also a prime number. To determine whether a number is prime or not, you can use various primality testing algorithms or check if it is divisible by any prime number less than its square root.

Step 4: If a pair of prime numbers is found such that their sum is 99, then you have the answer.

Using this approach, you will be able to find the two prime numbers that add up to 99.