One day a crow spied a piece of cheese on a window sill. The cheese fell and was soon eaten by the crafty animal. She picked it up and flew to a neighbouring tree. a cunning fox approached and praise her voice. The bird, highly flattered, opened her mouth to sing.

What happened next?

The fox quickly snatched the cheese from the crow's beak and ran away with it. The crow was left with nothing but her pride.

1. The crow spied a piece of cheese on a window sill.

2. The cheese fell from the window sill.
3. The crafty crow quickly ate the fallen cheese.
4. The crow picked up the cheese and flew to a neighboring tree.
5. A cunning fox approached the crow.
6. The fox praised the crow's voice.
7. The flattered crow, believing the fox's praise, opened her mouth to sing.

The story you mentioned is an Aesop's fable called "The Crow and the Fox." It teaches a moral lesson on the dangers of flattery and deceit. In the story, the crow finds a piece of cheese on a window sill and starts eating it. Meanwhile, a fox approaches and admires the crow's beautiful voice, which flatters the crow. The bird, pleased by the fox's praise, opens her mouth to sing, and as a result, drops the cheese. The cunning fox then grabs the cheese and runs away, leaving the crow without her snack.

This fable is often used to caution against being easily deceived by flattery and compliments. It reminds us to be cautious and skeptical of others' intentions, particularly when our egos are being stroked. By understanding the story behind this fable, we can gain insight into the moral lesson it seeks to convey.