your report card comes out on the day the 8millionth second passes in the new (non-leap) year. what day is that?

8*10^6 * 1h/3600s * 1day/24h = 92.6 = Ninety-third day.

your report card comes out on the day the 8millionth second passes in the new (non-leap) year. what day is that?

To determine the date when the 8 millionth second passes in a non-leap year, we need to calculate the number of days and the remaining seconds. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the number of seconds in a non-leap year.
In a non-leap year, there are 365 days, and each day has 24 hours, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds. So, the total number of seconds in a non-leap year is: (365 * 24 * 60 * 60) = 31,536,000 seconds.

Step 2: Find the remaining seconds after the 8 millionth second.
Subtracting 8 million seconds from the total number of seconds in a year will give us the remaining seconds. (31,536,000 - 8,000,000 = 23,536,000 seconds).

Step 3: Convert the remaining seconds to days.
To convert the remaining seconds into days, divide the number of seconds by the total number of seconds in a day (24 * 60 * 60 = 86,400 seconds). So, (23,536,000 / 86,400) equals approximately 272.222 days.

Step 4: Determine the date based on the number of days.
Since 272 days is more than the number of days in January and February combined (31 + 28 = 59), we know that the date will fall in March or later. However, we need to take into account leap years to ensure accuracy.

Step 5: Consider leap years.
Leap years occur every 4 years. To find the number of leap years, subtract the nearest multiple of 4 from the number of days, which is 272. (272 - (4 * 68) = 0).

Since there are no leap years within the calculated days, we can conclude that the 8 millionth second in the new non-leap year falls on the 272nd day, which corresponds to September 30th.