Using the IF function. You have a list of contracts and due dates for annual maintenance fees. You wish to determine when you have a contract due in the next 45 days and provide a note that warns you that the payment is due".

To determine when a contract is due in the next 45 days and provide a warning note, you can use the IF function in Excel. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Assuming the contract due dates are listed in column A, starting from cell A2, and you want to display the warning note in column B corresponding to each contract, starting from cell B2. Adjust the cell references as needed.

2. In cell B2, enter the following formula:
=IF(A2<=TODAY()+45, "Payment Due", "")

This formula checks if the contract due date in cell A2 is equal to or less than today's date plus 45 days. If it is, it displays "Payment Due" in cell B2; otherwise, it leaves the cell blank.

3. Press Enter to get the result in cell B2.

4. Now, copy the formula in cell B2 and paste it into the remaining cells in column B, so that the formula automatically adjusts for each contract in the list.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine when you have a contract due in the next 45 days and display a warning note accordingly.

To determine when a contract is due in the next 45 days and provide a warning note, you can use the IF function in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Here's how you can use the IF function for this task:

1. Assuming you have the list of contract due dates in column A starting from cell A2.
2. In an adjacent column, let's say column B, starting from cell B2, you can apply the if function.
3. In cell B2, enter the following formula:
=IF(A2-TODAY()<=45, "Payment due", "")
This formula checks if the due date (in A2) minus today's date is less than or equal to 45. If it is, it will display "Payment due". Otherwise, it will display nothing.
4. Drag the formula down to apply it to all the other cells in column B corresponding to each contract due date.

Now, column B will display "Payment due" for the contracts that are due within the next 45 days, providing a warning note for those contracts.

Note: The formula assumes that the due dates in column A are formatted as dates. If not, you may need to format the cells in column A as dates before applying this formula.