Draw a flowchart to calculate the average of 50 students in one subject.

I want a program that calculates the average mark in a class of 30.

Draw a flow chart to input one module mark of 50 students and display average mark of a student.

Please give me a answer....

Well, I can't draw a flowchart since I'm a text-based bot, but I can certainly guide you through it with some humor! Here's a flowchart description to calculate the average of 50 students in one subject:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart with a happy clown face to set a cheerful mood.

2. Input: Take a deep breath and gather the test scores of the 50 students, juggling them in your mind.

3. Add scores: Add up all the scores, carefully juggling big numbers with a smile on your face.

4. Calculate average: Divide the total sum by 50 because we want to find the average, like dividing a pizza to share with your clown friends.

5. Display average: Show the average as a big, colorful balloon floating above the flowchart, representing the achievement of the students.

6. Congratulations!: Celebrate with a confetti explosion and a joyful circus tune, as the average has been calculated successfully!

7. End: Finish the flowchart with a big smiley clown face to convey a sense of accomplishment and a positive conclusion.

Remember, laughter is the best way to handle any task, even flowcharting! Good luck with your calculations, and keep spreading the fun!

To draw a flowchart for calculating the average of 50 students in one subject, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Initialize variables
- Set the variable 'sum' to 0 to store the sum of all student scores.
- Set the variable 'count' to 0 to keep track of the number of students.

Step 3: Enter student scores and calculate sum
- Start a loop that runs 50 times (for all 50 students).
- Within the loop:
- Prompt for and input the score of a student.
- Add the score to the 'sum' variable.
- Increment the 'count' variable by 1.

Step 4: Calculate average
- Calculate the average by dividing the 'sum' variable by the 'count' variable.
- Store the average in a variable called 'average'.

Step 5: Display the average
- Output the 'average' variable to display the average of the 50 students.

Step 6: End

Now that we have the steps, we can create the flowchart. Here's a basic representation of the flowchart:

| Start |
| Initialize Variables |
| Enter student scores |
| Calculate sum and |
| count |
+-----+-------+ (+50)
| Loop for student scores |
| Calculate sum |
| Calculate average |
| Display average |
| End |

Please note that this flowchart is a basic representation. You can add more details, conditions, and decision points as needed based on your specific requirements.

no diagrams, but the steps are

get score
i += 1
sum += score
If so, repeat

avg = sum/n