if a tax meter registers 20 pesos plus 5 pesos per kilometer covered. express the amount T registered in the taxi meter as a function of the number of kilometers covered

surely you can see that

T(k) = 20+5k

To express the amount registered in the taxi meter (T) as a function of the number of kilometers covered (x), we need to consider the given information that the meter registers 20 pesos initially and then an additional 5 pesos for each kilometer covered.

We can break down the calculation as follows:
1. The initial amount registered is 20 pesos.
2. For each kilometer covered, an additional 5 pesos is added.

So, the function can be expressed as:
T(x) = 20 + 5x

Here, T(x) represents the amount registered in the taxi meter as a function of the number of kilometers covered, and x represents the number of kilometers covered.

To find the amount registered in the taxi meter for a particular number of kilometers, you substitute the value of x into the function. For example, if you have covered 10 kilometers, you would plug in x = 10:

T(10) = 20 + 5(10)
T(10) = 20 + 50
T(10) = 70 pesos

So, if you have covered 10 kilometers, the amount registered in the taxi meter would be 70 pesos.