I had to pick a sarcastic quote from A Modest Proposal. I just wanted someone to check it to make sure it sounds sarcastic to them as well.

I chose, "I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children."

Yes, that's a sarcastic quote.

To determine if a quote from A Modest Proposal sounds sarcastic, we can consider the overall tone and context of the passage. In this case, the passage you selected does carry a sarcastic tone. It employs irony and satire to criticize landlords by suggesting that they have already taken advantage of the poor population to the extent that they would be the most suitable recipients of the proposed solution, which is to consume children.

The sarcastic remark lies in the humorous exaggeration and the implication that the landlords have a "title to the children," as if they have a right to exploit and consume them. This statement is clearly intended to shock and provoke, as author Jonathan Swift uses sarcasm to highlight the absurdity of his proposal.

In conclusion, your chosen quote from A Modest Proposal does indeed sound sarcastic.