In the numeral 1 992, the thousands digit is increased by 7 and the tens digit is decreased by 4. what is the new number formed?

come on.

what are 1+7 and 9-4 ?


To find the new number formed, we need to increase the thousands digit by 7 and decrease the tens digit by 4 while keeping the other digits unchanged.

Let's break down the given numeral 1 992:

- The thousands digit is 1.
- The hundreds digit is 9.
- The tens digit is 9.
- The units digit is 2.

To increase the thousands digit by 7, we add 7 to 1: 1 + 7 = 8.

To decrease the tens digit by 4, we subtract 4 from 9: 9 - 4 = 5.

Now, let's combine the new digits we obtained:

The new number formed is 8 952.