I didn't "expect" you to "do" that: Expectancy Violation and Nonverbal Communication For this discussion, I want you to consider how violation of a person's expectations might negatively impact how your nonverbal messages are being "read."

When it comes to nonverbal communication, expectations play a significant role in how our messages are perceived and interpreted. Violating someone's expectations can have a negative impact on how our nonverbal cues are read by them. Let's break it down further.

1. Understanding Expectancy Violation: Expectancy violation theory suggests that individuals have certain expectations about how others should behave in specific situations. These expectations are developed based on social norms, cultural background, personal experiences, and past interactions. When someone's expectations are violated, it means that the behavior or communication they experience diverges from what they anticipated.

2. Impact on Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice, and other cues that convey messages without using words. Typically, people have some expectations about how others will use these nonverbal cues to communicate. For example, maintaining eye contact during conversation is often expected as a sign of attentiveness and engagement.

3. Negative Impact of Violating Expectations: When someone's expectations regarding nonverbal communication are violated, it can lead to negative effects on how their messages are understood. For instance, if someone expects a speaker to maintain eye contact as a sign of honesty, but the speaker frequently avoids eye contact, it may create suspicion or distrust. The violation of this expectation may undermine the intended message and hinder effective communication.

4. Adjusting to Violated Expectations: Understanding the impact of violated expectations on nonverbal communication is crucial for effective communication. If you find yourself in a situation where you suspect your nonverbal cues may be violating someone's expectations, you can take the following steps:

a. Active Listening: Pay close attention to the other person's verbal and nonverbal cues. By actively listening, you can gain insights into their expectations and try to align your communication accordingly.

b. Adaptation: Be flexible and adaptive in your nonverbal behaviors. If you notice that someone is responding negatively to your cues, try adjusting them to align more closely with their expectations.

c. Clarification: If there is confusion or misinterpretation, consider clarifying your intentions verbally. Explain your nonverbal behavior or simply ask the person about their expectations to foster open communication.

In conclusion, violating someone's expectations regarding nonverbal communication can have a negative impact on how our messages are read and understood. Being aware of this and making efforts to align our nonverbal cues with their expectations can help foster better communication and avoid misinterpretations.