For the given equation of line:

y = 0.5x - 2
identify slope and based on slope (without graphing)
determine if line goes upwards, downwards or stay horizontal.

For the given equation of line:

y = 0.5x - 2
identify slope and based on slope (without graphing)
determine if line goes upwards, downwards or stay horizontal.

in the slope/intercept form:

y = m x + b
m is the slope
b is the y axis intercept where x = 0
here the slope is positive 0.5 so the line goes up to the right from the point (0,-2)
(and of course down to the left :)


To identify the slope of the line without graphing, you can observe the coefficient of x in the given equation. The equation of the line is in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope. In this case, the coefficient of x is 0.5, so the slope of the line is 0.5.

Now, based on the slope, we can determine the direction the line goes:

- If the slope is positive (+), the line goes upwards.
- If the slope is negative (-), the line goes downwards.
- If the slope is zero (0), the line stays horizontal.

In our case, the slope is positive 0.5, so the line goes upwards.