I need to find a subject, verb and a object in this sentence.

1.Set a high value on spontaneous Kindness.


Subject- (you)

verb- set
Object- value

One quick question the subject is (you). Since you is not the the sentence is set changed to you.I appreciate your help understanding how this works.

Thank you Ms.Sue

When we have a command (imperative) like this, "you" is the understood subject.

Other examples with you as the understood subject:

Lie down.
Please get me a glass of water.
Stop fidgeting.
Go forth and multiply.

Extra credit: How does one express imperative mood in the 3rd person?

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To find the subject, verb, and object in a sentence, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject: The subject is the person or thing that is performing the action of the verb or being described. In this sentence, the subject is "You" (implied). The imperative sentence is directed towards the reader, who is expected to perform the action.

2. Identify the verb: The verb is the action word or the word that indicates a state of being. In this sentence, the verb is "set." It represents the action being performed.

3. Identify the object: The object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. In this sentence, the object is "a high value on spontaneous kindness." It refers to the thing that is being set.

Therefore, the breakdown of the sentence is as follows:

Subject: You (implied)
Verb: set
Object: a high value on spontaneous kindness