Kyle buys last year's best-selling novel, in hardcover, for $19.50. This is with a 25% discount from the original price. What was the original price of the novel?

0.75x = 19.5


To find the original price of the novel, we need to work backward from the discounted price and apply the given discount rate.

Let's denote the original price of the novel as x.

The discounted price is 25% off the original price, which means Kyle paid 100% - 25% = 75% of the original price.

We can express this as an equation:

0.75x = 19.50

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.75:

x = 19.50 / 0.75

Using division, we find that x = $26.

Therefore, the original price of the novel was $26.