Find the measure of angle 8, 7, 6, 5

measure of angle 7 is 2x+15
measure of angle 8 is 3x

The diagram is a X shape but the top and bottom is more squished down basically.

5 on the left
6 on the top
7 on the right
8 on the bottom

Please help I cant find the formula to do this.
Also please add the formula for finding the answer.
Thank you

o 6 o

o o
5 o 7
o o
o 8 o
The sum of the four angles equals 360°.
∠ 5= ∠ 7 (vertically opposite angles)
∠ 6= ∠ 8 (vertically opposite angles)
Sum of the four angles
2( 2x+15 + 3x) = 360°
solve for x and hence each of the four angles.

To find the measure of angle 8, 7, 6, 5, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is always 360 degrees.

First, let's write the expressions for the measure of angles 7 and 8 in terms of x:

Measure of angle 7 = 2x + 15
Measure of angle 8 = 3x

Next, we can sum up the measures of all four angles to get the equation:

Measure of angle 5 + Measure of angle 6 + Measure of angle 7 + Measure of angle 8 = 360

Substituting the expressions for angles 7 and 8, we get:

Measure of angle 5 + Measure of angle 6 + (2x + 15) + 3x = 360

Now, we can simplify the equation and solve for x:

Measure of angle 5 + Measure of angle 6 + 2x + 15 + 3x = 360
Measure of angle 5 + Measure of angle 6 + 5x + 15 = 360
Measure of angle 5 + Measure of angle 6 + 5x = 345

From here, you need to know the measures of angle 5 and angle 6 in order to solve for x. Once you have the value of x, substitute it back into the expressions for angles 7 and 8 to find their measures.

Unfortunately, without specific information for the measures of angles 5 and 6, we cannot find the exact measures of angles 7 and 8 or solve for x.